I’ve read all the blurb on writing a good "About Me" post. Well let’s
just say this is not likely to cut the mustard.
So it says ‘make sure you have a picture of yourself so that the reader can engage with you. Well that’s not going to happen. Okay I haven’t got a wart on my nose but I don’t want to see my mug, so I am sure you won’t either.
This tip toe into writing a blog is more about sharing information that I have discovered through my family history research. You may already have discovered this yourself but it is a way of sharing documents I may have that may help evidence the research too. I hope that as the blog develops I will learn how to make it more interesting and easier to search and navigate. So please bear with me.
I have been researching for approx 12 years and although I am no expert, a not giving up attitude and some help along the way has given me some insight into what to look for and certainly not to completely discount something because it is not what you are expecting.
I grew up with very little contact with my wider paternal family so I was reliant on just a few a names and memories that my Dad shared. My Mum on the other hand was adopted, so as you can imagine it was quite a task to undertake in finding my biological family roots.
But with help from various family tree site forums with very patient and helpful members and the discovery of various cousins around the world, I have managed to go on wonderful journeys of my ancestors lives piecing together many fascinating and remarkable stories, alongside a few not so savoury ones too. I hope they may be of interest to someone out there.
I must thank my cousins for sharing many photo's of my wider family and ancestors with me, bringing them to life. Permission has been sought if I have used any of these. Which ironically brings me full circle in this 'about me'.
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