DNA I really don't think my father ever needed a DNA test to prove his father. When my cousin first shared the picture of my Grandfather as a child, I did think it was a photo of my Dad. It is often muted that heart disease and various cancers can run in families. Not only do the photographs show the resemblance between my Dad and Grandad, but the primary cause of my Dad's death was oesophagial cancer, but similarly his father died from throat cancer too. Is this a genetic factor, or could it have been related environmental or lifestyle choices. So what to write about DNA? It is not really a subject that engages me. Is what makes us who we are, genetic or environmental? My thoughts are such that genetics plays it's part but influence, upbringing and the world around us has at least an equal part in this. But this is looking at the subject of DNA in a broader sense. So having taken a DNA test from one of the genealogical companies does this help with our own research? ...
This blog is an attempt to write down some of the stories related to my family history. At present I am in the process of updating the format.